Sources of Indian constitution

Sources of    Indian constitution

  1. Government of India Act 1935: Federal scheme, office of governor, judiciary, public service commissions, emergency provision, administrative.
  2. Britain: Parliamentary form of government, rule of law, single citizenship, writs, cabinet system, bicameralism, legislative procedure.
  3. U.A.S: Fundamental rights, judicial review, independence of the judiciary, impeachment of the president, removal of the supreme court and high court judges, and post of vice -president.
  4. Canda: Federation with a strong center, Residuary power of the center, the appointment of state governors by the center, and the advisory jurisdiction of the supreme court.
  5. Ireland: Directive principles of state policy, the procedure for the nomination of members to the Rajya Sabha, method of election of a president.
  6. Germany: suspension of fundamental rights during an emergency.
  7. South Africa: procedure of the amendment and the Election of the Rajya Sabha members.
  8. Australia: Concurrent list, freedom of trade and Commerce, a joint sitting of both houses of parliament.
  9. Russia: fundamental duties and ideals of justice in the preamble.
  10. France: Ideals of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity in the preamble.
  11. Japan: Procedure established by law.


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